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Перевод контента сайта

Olympic Bike, Greece, Crete

Участвовала в переводе на русский язык сайта греческой компании,

организующей веломарштуры по острову Крит.


Переводы статей и подкастов

Элиса Бьелетич: "Полюбишь мужа, разбрасывающего носки, - полюбишь Бога"

Перевод подкаста американского радио AncientFaith, 2017

10 привычек счастливых пар

Лайфхаки от, 2013

О преодолении скорби

Перевод подкаста американского радио AncientFaith, 2017

Дипломная работа 

(на соискание степени магистра, 2017-2019)


Master Thesis

"Transmedia Charity: from International Experience to Russian Reality"


Transmedia is known mostly as a way to construct fictional worlds or non-fiction projects, social and political ones. However, a little is written about using transmedia particularly for charity purposes. The present thesis is focusing on transmedia storytelling as an effective instrument for charities in contemporary world. It explores the potential of transmedia strategies and its advantages, which can be useful in overcoming certain difficulties in the giving sphere – like “compassion fatigue” and “digital noise” – which non-profits face every day. In attempts to investigate the potential of transmedia charity in Russia, we cannot leave behind the topic of Russian specificities, Russian history inheritance, which are forming people’s attitude to charity and giving, multimedia and transmedia, social activism and authorities' competency. Considering all this, the thesis is aiming to examine, whether it is appropriate to introduce transmedia practices in Russian charity and what would be the best way to do it.  

Научный руководитель 

Renira Rampazzo Gambarato, PhD, 

Senior Lecturer in Media and Communication Studies

at Jönköping University, Sweden

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